Team Photo Friday April 8 at 5:30pm

April 6, 2011

Set to be taken at 5:30 p.m. (sharp) on Friday, April 8th in front of Lee Chapel.  Spread the word as this is the only officail recording we will have of this year’s team.  Everyone needs to show up as it will be a terrible picture if Stockton is the only one in it.

Alumni Match over Alumni Weekend – Saturday May 14

April 6, 2011

The Infamous Alumni Match is scheduled for Alumni Weekend, Saturday, May 14.  Time and exact location will be announced soon.  Let Coach Lovell know if you plan to play.  This year we welcome back the Screaming Mink Ruggers from 1966, 1971, 1976, 1981, 1986, 1991 (the best year) and 1996.  This is a great reason to dust off the boots and rekindle those great rugby friendships and meet the current team.  Even if you can’t see your bellybutton over your robust belly, you’re about as fast as molasses and you don’t tie your shoes anymore as you’re not sure you will be able to stand upright afterwards….we still want you to come out and meet the Minks.

Practice Inspiration

April 6, 2011

We’re at the last couple of practices for the year. It’s supposed to get back up to mid-60s tomorrow and mid-70s on friday. Everybody come out and we’ll have some good 7s games. Practices have been a ton of fun and everybody needs to run around to work of some stress for an hour. Last monday Flacco brought his wheels and bounce pass, John showed his age, Tyler brought pure rage, Tuwi brought lead feet and blinding white skin, and everybody else tried to emulate my athletic prowess. If you think you have something to bring to this team, come show us, we’ll be there tomorrow. 


Bag of Marbles

April 4, 2011

Recenbtly I’ve had the pleasure to see Jamie Blake ’07 (Scottish)  and talk with Alex Cook ’07 Law (English).  Since their return to London from their time in Lexington they both sound like they have marbles in their mouth.  They need a good dose Americanization.  English Andy ’10, do not fall into this same trap.

Dowling Wedding

April 4, 2011

Rory Dowling ’05 is getting hithced on April 9, 2011.  He has refused to announce the location in fear of ruggers showing up, although rumors have it that the wedding is in New Orleans.  Following the nuptials the couple will dress in their registered flannel and head to Northern Canada for a week of ice fishing and cuddling.