New Officers Take the Helm

December 21, 2011

Club elections were held recently with the results listed below.  A huge thanks to the outgoing officers who put a huge effort forward.  Thanks Stockton, Charlie, Matt and Jack.  

New Officers:

President: Jack Gallagher ’13 (hickville, GA)
Captain: Matt Coburn ’13 (somewher in NY)
Match Secretary: Michael O’Conner ’14 (Guinsess)
Treasurer: Matt Ziemer ’14 (Trump Tower)
Recruitment: Charlie Myers ’15 (Amry, Navy, Air Force and Marines)
Social: Hamlet Fort ’15 (Jersey Shore)
Merchandise: Brian Simpson ’14 (Bling Bling)

MARFU Bound – Congratulations Minks

December 21, 2011

After a hard fought season, The Minks were victorious against CNU which secured the club the second seed in the D3 VRU and qualified for the MARFU tournament.  The first round MARFU match (quarterfinals) will be played at and against American University on Saturday, March 31.  MARFU tournament semis and finals will be held the weekend of April 14-15 at a site to be announced.

Great job all Fall, but the work now only begins.